Whatever stage your business venture has reached, whether you’re established, growing or thinking about selling up on retirement, we can provide you with the independent financial advice you need to make the right choices and decisions for your future.
We understand that for many business owners, the day-to-day demands of running a successful venture can be all-consuming. This can leave little time to keep abreast of important issues like taking proper care of your own financial arrangements, or putting in place the right plans to build your future financial freedom and security.
Whilst every well-run business has a strategic plan for its future, not every business owner has the time or knowledge necessary to put in place the same sort of rigorous plan for their own financial needs.
We work with businesses owners of all types and from all sectors of the economy. We understand their particular needs and provide advice on investments, pensions, retirement and tax planning, bespoke to their individual needs, helping them separate the financial needs of their business from their own. Some of the owners we work with enjoy the support of a financial team that helps them run and grow their business on a day-to-day basis; we see our role as offering you the support and advice you need to run your personal finances in a business-like and focused manner, ensuring that you make the necessary plans for your own future whilst taking care of your business.
We know from experience that you may face some or all of the following challenges:
We begin by asking you searching questions about your financial situation, your goals, aspirations and needs. Where our skills lie, is in helping you develop a coherent and flexible long-term strategy, a lifetime financial plan. Your Lifetime Wealth Model will also be first building block in your retirement planning strategy.
Our service includes other important features such as a Tax Optimisation Strategy that ensures we address with you the payment of future tax bills alongside longer-term tax planning measures. We can review your mortgage requirements, and explain how an offset mortgage could meet your specific needs. We’ll also consider you and your family’s need for protection policies that would provide if you were unable to work or were to die.
We offer truly independent investment advice and can develop a robust and well-researched investment strategy that meets your needs, helping you work towards gaining your financial freedom by amassing sufficient wealth for a comfortable retirement.
What clients particularly value about the service we have to offer is our Investment Independence and Innovation from any group or bank. This means that we aren’t under pressure to promote or sell the products offered by any one provider. We never adopt a ‘one size fits all’ approach, but instead work with clients to assess their individual needs, their appetite for risk and the length of time they wish to be invested.
We’re then free to make the most appropriate recommendations for them based on our in-depth market knowledge and research. We create tailored portfolios, selecting blends of best of breed managers, utilising the unique insights we gain from our partners, leading research group Asset Risk Consultants (ARC).
By being truly independent, your adviser is able to create a bespoke portfolio tailored to your risk appetite, utilising investment groups who excel in your particular risk area. We know that some manager’s style suits those clients looking for potential high return with high risk, while other managers deliver in more cautious consistent styles.
Our clients have access to a range of valuable Private Office services, all designed to be the first port of call for the specific needs of high net worth individuals. These services include:
Clients who work with us benefit from our flexible bi-annual reviews which can be at scheduled to suit their work commitments, and as we pride ourselves on the level of attentive client care we provide, we are always on hand to deal with queries or provide advice. If you’re looking for a team of independent professional advisers who can help you build your financial freedom, then do get in touch.
For further information on how we can help you build and protect your wealth, please contact us.