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Our Charity Programme

At PWM, we strongly encourage and actively take part in various fundraising initiatives, often giving our colleagues the opportunity to choose the charities they would like to support. In recent years, we have been committed to Barts Health Violence Reduction Service, a charity founded by Dr. Martin Griffiths, a consultant trauma surgeon, to hopefully make a real difference to the lives of young people affected by violent crime in London. We are delighted to have raised, through various events and the kindness of our clients, over £64,000 for this charity.

We’ve also supported many other charities with a whole variety of good causes, many selected by members of the PWM team and via personal sponsorship.

The actual fundraising is clearly the main purpose, but so is the inclusion. Members of the PWM team have taken part in many different events, including the Three Peaks Challenge, decorating a hospital ward, a 105-mile cycling challenge, giving blood, skydiving and quizzes!

Now part of the 7IM Group, we are working with the ‘7IM Gives Back’ programme which is committed to helping national and local causes with the aim of reducing inequality. The programme supports various charities, which we also wish to align with, and pledges to match any donations arising from the fundraising efforts of the team by a total of £20,000 a year.

This offers our team the opportunity to greater support a wide range of charities that are close to all our hearts.

Looking ahead, we hope to introduce more volunteering opportunities, allowing the team to continue to engage and support national causes and the local community, alongside running selected fundraising initiatives.

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