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Private Clients

At Partners Wealth Management, forging strong working relationships with clients is the lifeblood of our business. Many of our client partnerships span several decades. Our growing client base has developed as a result of referrals from satisfied clients and is made up of people from many different walks of life.

However, one thing that binds our clients together is a common desire to ensure that their wealth, whether it is inherited or self-made, is managed effectively for them as individuals and for future generations.

Feedback shows that what clients find attractive about the service we offer, is our independence, our ability to work with multi-generational families and our commitment to high standards of client care.

Comprehensive advice for the opportunities and challenges you face

Whilst clients approach us at different times in their lives, experience shows us that a major life stage event can often prove to be the catalyst that encourages them to seek professional financial advice.

The sale of a business or a recent inheritance, for instance, may pave the way to greater financial stability, but professional guidance will be required to ensure that a well-constructed strategy both for the short and long term is put in place.

Many of life’s unexpected and unwelcome events can feel immensely unsettling, whether that is a bereavement, long-term illness or a divorce. Times like these can be amongst the most emotionally-challenging in anyone’s life, and can give rise to intense periods of financial uncertainty. This is when clients particularly appreciate our clear professional advice and empathetic understanding of their situation.

Your Lifetime Wealth Model

We begin by asking you searching questions about your financial situation, your goals, aspirations and needs. Where our skills lie, is in helping you develop a coherent and flexible long-term strategy, a lifetime financial plan. Our service includes important features such as a Tax Optimisation Strategy that ensures we address the payment of future tax bills, alongside longer-term tax planning measures. The Lifetime Wealth Model will also be your first building block in your retirement planning strategy.

We can review your mortgage requirements, and explain how an offset mortgage could meet your specific needs. We’ll also consider you and your family’s need for protection policies that would provide a pay out if you were unable to work or were to die. We’ll also assess whether your current NHS provisions are sufficient.

Investment Independence and Innovation

What clients particularly value about the service we have to offer is our Investment Independence and Innovation from any group or bank. This means that we aren’t under pressure to promote or sell the products offered by any one provider. We never adopt a ‘one size fits all’ approach, but instead work with clients to assess their individual needs, their appetite for risk and the length of time they wish to be invested.

We’re then free to make the most appropriate recommendations for them based on our in-depth market knowledge and research. We create tailored portfolios, selecting blends of best of breed managers, utilising the unique insights we gain from our partners, leading research group Asset Risk Consultants (ARC).

By being truly independent, your adviser is able to create a bespoke portfolio tailored to your risk appetite, utilising investment groups who excel in your particular risk area. We know that some manager’s style suits those clients looking for potential high return with high risk, while other managers deliver using more cautious consistent styles.

PWM's Private Office

Our clients have access to a range of valuable services, all designed to be the first port of call for the specific needs of high net worth individuals. These services include:

  • dynamic cash management for superior returns;
  • bespoke insurance plans;
  • estate planning, wills and trusts;
  • property search and mortgage provision in the UK and internationally; and
  • tailored foreign exchange solutions.

Clients who work with us benefit from our flexible regular reviews which can be scheduled to suit their work commitments. As we pride ourselves on the level of attentive client care we offer, we are always on hand to deal with queries or provide advice. If you’re looking for a team of independent professional advisers who can help you build your financial freedom, then do get in touch.

For further information on how we can help you build and protect your wealth, please contact us.

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