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Your Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom is the point in life when an individual chooses to work for intellectual pleasure or entrepreneurial passion and not because of the need for earnings to sustain their lifestyle. This typically means they have accumulated sufficient capital assets to derive their required level of income.

By definition, retirement is a form of financial freedom but this is not always the key driver for Partners Wealth Management clients. For a variety of reason they may choose to work in a different capacity after a front- line career, or continue with a commercial focus.

Financial freedom becomes a choice when you achieve what you define as Freedom of Money. The level of wealth needed varies for everyone but once it’s achieved it allows you to consider other freedoms.

Freedom of Purpose: Is the wealth that’s been accumulated to be used to support a lifestyle of freedom, or support working for intellectual curiosity over pure financial gain? Many want to use some of their wealth to support family, future generations or philanthropy. Clients often use their financial freedom to work in charity or public service, while for those with greater wealth we help look at ways to effectively support their families and the causes they espouse.

Freedom of Time: Although this is self-explanatory, the best retirements are generally accompanied by the phrase, ‘I don’t know how I ever had time to work’. Financial Freedom should create time freedom for you.

Freedom of Relationship: The final freedom is the freedom to enjoy business and personal relationships of the highest quality. This flow from the conscious attainment of the other freedoms.




How we make this happen

We bring clarity by adopting a simple, repeatable strategy:

  • Simplification – bringing order to your finances.
  • Action – inertia is the enemy of good intent, we help give you the confidence to take action.
  • Focus – we know our clients are frequently time poor. We help organise your affairs and bring an  structure to your finances with regular reviews and prompts.
  • Encouragement – to give time to your plans, take the steps needed and improve long-term financial habits.

Our unique five elements of financial freedom strategy provides the building blocks to strengthen and enhance the areas of your finances that most need attention. Once a clear framework has been constructed, we start to look at the purpose of your wealth and how you can build in different phases of your life.

For further information on how we can help you build and protect your wealth, please contact us.

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